Tagged: code

Million Lines Of Code [Infographic]

Is a million lines of code a lot? How many lines are there in Windows? Facebook? iPhone apps? This infographic answers these questions. Click to enlarge [via informationisbeautiful]

Code.Org: What most schools don’t teach

Code.Org: What most schools don’t teach

Silicon Valley heroes, like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Gabe Newell, made PSA for the non-profit initiative Code.Org to explain to kids why they should learn to code. [Via youtube]

Let’s teach kids to code [TED talk]

Let’s teach kids to code [TED talk]

Coding isn’t just for computer whizzes, says Mitch Resnick of MIT Media Lab — it’s for everyone. In a fun, demo-filled talk Resnick outlines the benefits of teaching kids to code, so they can...

Instacode 2

Instacode – Instagram for code!

You wrote an awesome piece of code and you want to share it. However, simply copy your code won’t express the epicness of your code. Does this sound familiar? Instacode offers you a new...

The Mind of a Web Developer [Comic]

The Mind of a Web Developer [Comic]

The mind of a web developer is a vastly complex organ; it’s riddled with anguish, elation, caffeine, and a gargantuan mound of crap to remember. I figured this warranted a bit of creativity so...

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