Category: Science

Geek Versus Nerd

Geek Versus Nerd

Data scientist Burr Settles performed a little semantic analysis on difference between geeks and nerds using Twitter data. The full analysis can be found on his website. [Via Burr Settles]

Google Loon: Balloon Internet

Google Loon: Balloon Internet

Google has announced a project from the Google X labs, Project Loon. The project’s goal is to beam internet access to the ground using a system of balloons in the stratosphere, providing internet for...

Project Kronos [Fake documentary]

Project Kronos [Fake documentary]

Project Kronos is a documentary film set in the not too distant future, following a mission to achieve interstellar space travel. As the mission unfolds with extraordinary results, the scientists find themselves dealing with...

Antarctica Without Its Ice

Antarctica Without Its Ice

Our understanding of what lies beneath the world’s biggest ice sheet has taken another leap forward. In this video we strip away Antarctic ice to reveal a new, and much more detailed map of...

Could We Record Our Dreams?

Could We Record Our Dreams?

Have you ever wished you could record your dreams and watch them later? It may be possible sooner than you think… [Via ASAPscience]

The NEW Periodic Table Song

The NEW Periodic Table Song

Most science geeks are probably familiar with the song The Elements by Tom Lehrer. Since this song was written in 1959 some of the newly discovered elements are missing. So, the guys from ASAP...

Lab Rap Battle

Lab Rap Battle

It’s a dilemma that any real-time PCR researcher will face in his or her career: Do I choose TaqMan® or SYBR®? Inspired by the sentiments of researchers all over the world, Life Technologies has...

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