Author: MomentOfGeekiness

GATES [Parody Movie Trailer]

Ashton Kutcher’s JOBS follows the life and times of legendary innovator Steve Jobs, but where’s the movie for the even more thrilling Bill Gates? Here it is. [Via OfficialComedy]

What Do We See in The Dark?

Jake Roper explains what we can see in the dark, what Prisoner’s cinema is, and why pirates may have actually worn eye patches to see better. [via youtube]

Gravity [Trailer]

Gravity [Trailer]

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney star in “Gravity,” a heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and unforgiving realm of deep space. [via WarnerBros]

Bicycle Powered Tree House Elevator

Bicycle Powered Tree House Elevator

Ethan Schlussler has built a tree house that is nearly 30 feet up a tree. He got a bit tired of climbing the ladder up to his tree house, so he installed a bicycle-powered...

Bullet Block Experiment

Bullet Block Experiment

A bullet is fired upward into the bottom of a block of wood, one time in the center, the other time off-center. This will launch both blocks into the air, but will there be...

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