Author: MomentOfGeekiness

Preview of Game of Thrones Season 4: A Foreshadowing

Take a look back and a look forward to the fourth season of the hit HBO series, the show features clips from upcoming episodes, behind-the-scenes-footage and interviews with cast members, who answer questions posed...

Three Ways to Destroy the Universe

How will the Universe die? Everybody dies. The universe too? Well, probably. What are the current theories about the end of everything? And how creepy exactly are these theories? (Spoiler: very creepy). But there...

Hawkman [Fake Movie Trailer]

Rhett and Link love Hawkman and love to see a Hawkman movie. So, to convince DC Comics and Hollywood to make a Hawkman movie, they made their own Hawkman teaser trailer. [via GoodMythicalMorning]

A brief history of video games

Video games are everywhere these days, but where did they actually come from? The history of video games is a complicated story that involves giant computers in science labs, the founder of Chuck E....

Evolution of the Playstation [Infographic]

A couple of months ago we featured the evolution of the Playstation controller. This infographic goes one step further and shows the evolution of the whole Playstation system. Thanks Frankie for the suggestion! [source...

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